Workout of the Day
7 min AMRAP
100 Double Under buy in
Rest of time
10 push-ups
10 lunges (CT pistols)
10 sit-ups
10 air squats
Strength, clean and jerk 10×1@60%
Skill Work
Skill work, 3 position clean (95/65)
Skill Work, Jerk. Everyone draw their jerk boxes and work on footwork (95/65)
Post your scores to the Whiteboard.
Extra Work(Rowing)
5000m with rate changes every 1000m: 22-26-22-26-22
Row for a total of 5000 meters at a sustainable intensity, varying your stroke rate as follows: row 1000 meters @ 22 spm, 1000 meters @ 26 spm, 1000 meters @ 22 spm, 1000 meters @ 26 spm, and 1000 meters @ 22 spm.
Post your time
Post your scores to the Whiteboard.