We have an accomplished powerlifter, Nick Ramey, 1,900# total coming in this Saturday for a private seminar. Cost is $20, and will run from 8 am to noon. Please sign up by going to our FB Page and find the event link and press “Going” to let us know you will be here. Saturday just bring your $20 and a notebook and be prepared to be hit by some knowledge bombs 🙂
CrossFit Siloam Springs – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
400 meter row
10 russian kettle bell swings
10 american swings
10 squats
5 pull-ups strict
5 kipping pull-ups
Back Squat (5×1 at 85%)
Metcon (Time)
5 rounds for time:
30 walking lunges
20 KB swings (2/1.5)
10 Ring dips