I call CFSS my home, I love the people and the great community of the box.


I started CrossFit about a year and have seen amazing results. I have not bulked up which I was fearing when I stated, I have toned down and maintained my weight and lost inches in my waist. I feel amazing and proud of how I look.


As a mother of four children I thought I could never get back in shape…I was wrong. CrossFit has made me stronger and I feel the best I have in many of years. I am doing things I never thought I could at age 45. I believe in the CrossFit program and would recommend it anyone wanting to live a healthy life.




July 12 marked our 6-month “anniversary” joining CrossFit. We (Kevin & Rebecca Ault) walked in the box that cold January day apprehensive, doubtful, overwhelmed and tired. Tired of what we had become … lazy, pathetic, excuse-driven, overweight, weak. But we also walked in that day committed to see CHANGE. Committed to overcoming all the “reasons” why we had gotten to the state we found ourselves in. Committed to doing this thing together, as a team, and committed to becoming healthy. And staying healthy.

It didn’t take long for CrossFit to become addictive. Our bodies craved the insanely intense workouts. Our minds craved the inner battle of mind over matter. And soon, our spirits craved the connection with the other CrossFitters who have now become like family.

There are three things that stick out for us that keep us CrossFitting day after day. But first, a little background information. Sports have been a huge part of our lives. Kevin played basketball and was a steer wrestler in high school. I, Rebecca, played college basketball and have been a basketball coach for the past 14 years. Even now, we both enjoy playing all sports and being active.

OK, back to the three things (in no particular order). First is our COACH, Michael Spruell. He has created a very special culture at CrossFit Siloam Springs, where people care about one another (more on that later). He is a great teacher of technique and form, a great encourager and motivator, a great programmer of challenging WODs, and just a great guy. (We think he’s great, can you tell? J) One of the issues people have with CrossFit is the cost. We are the first to tell them, though, that when you think about what you are getting (personal training), it is a deal and a half. The average cost per session with a personal trainer is $35-50 for one HOUR. But with CrossFit, you pay $75-100 per MONTH, and you have a coach watching, teaching, pushing, correcting (if needed). Do the math, people … it’s a deal! And it’s worth every penny spent, because you’re investing in your future.

Secondly, the COMMUNITY of CrossFit is what keeps us coming back. I’ll never forget walking in to the box that first time. We didn’t know a soul, and had only spoken to Michael on the phone. Gyms, as you know, can be very intimidating. However, we soon found that the members had no walls. Everyone was friendly. People we didn’t even know were yelling at us to, “Keep going. Don’t quit. Push, push, push!” Those are things that don’t happen at other gyms. You get in, get out, and usually don’t speak to anyone. Not at CrossFit Siloam Springs. Here, you complete the WOD. If anyone is still working when you finish, you stay and encourage them until they’re finished. You may even run that last 400m with them. You’re completely exhausted afterward, but you stay and chat with your friends (once you catch your breath!), you stick around for extra credit or arrive early (to work on the many things you stink at!). And the whole time you’re building community with a wonderful group of like-minded individuals.

The last thing is the COMPETITION. As I said before, we have spent our lives involved in sports, thriving on competition. I (Rebecca) liken CrossFit to the days of being on a team. You love your teammates … you sweat and bleed together, you have a bond with them because of things you experience together. But you also compete with and against them. You want a starting spot, so you’re going to fight to get it. You’re in a drill and the loser is going to run … you want to win. CrossFit is much the same way. You love and respect the other members. You see improvement in them and it inspires you to keep pushing yourself or they might catch you and pass you. You want them to do well on today’s WOD, but you want to do better. You have your eyes set on a person who consistently lifts more weight than you or is faster at the WODs, and you’re trying to close the gap. We love the competitive nature of CrossFit. It fuels our inner drive to keep improving.


The pictures above only tell part of the story. They don’t show how much more energy we have and how much better we feel (another commitment we’ve made is to fuel our bodies correctly … Paleo). But they do testify to the physical improvements we’ve made in our wellness. On days where we don’t feel like we’re making any progress, all we have to do is take a look.


Friendly people and lots of equipment. Thanks for the out of town CrossFit.

David H.