3 Person Team Partner WOD
Metcon (Time)
All 3 athletes working at the same time, follow the leader style.
WOD 1 (A)
5 Rounds
3 DB Thrusters 50/35
3 burpees box overs
3 T2B
Once all the athletes finish the WOD 1 (A) WOD 1 (B) begins
WOD 1 (B)
As a team, partition the reps any way:
120 wallball (20/14)
120 swings (2/1.5)
120 GHD
360 DU
At the end of WOD 1 all teams transition to WOD 2
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
One male and female bar per team.
One male and female bar per team.
8 min clean ladder all athletes may attack the barbell in any order.
Min 1 – 8 cleans 95/65
Min 2 – 7 cleans 135/95
Min 3 – 6 cleans 165/115
Min 4 – 5 cleans 195/135
Min 5 – 4 cleans 225/155
Min 6 – 3 cleans 255/175
Min 7 – 2 cleans 285/195
Min 8 – 1 clean 315/215
If a team clears the ladder they can continue to clean 315/215 for reps for the rest of minute 8.
Score is total number of reps completed. Clearing the ladder = 41 reps.